Summers End

My paintings depict color worlds that range from harmonious to tension-filled. The motivation and core concept of my work - abstract flora and fauna on canvas - are inspired by nature. In my abstract creations, the initial idea gives rise to a "free flow" of colors, shapes, motifs, visual concepts, and techniques. The boundaries between the tangible and the transformed begin to blur. I primarily work with acrylics, spray paint, and oil pastels. Occasionally, I incorporate collage elements made from fabric or paper, introducing new aspects and impressions to my visual worlds.
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Daten zum Bild

Nortrud Becher-König
"Der Weg ist das Ziel zu einem Kunstwerk."
- Für einen Preis nominiert
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- In privaten Sammlungen
- National etabliert
- eigenes Atelier
- divers. Weiterbildungen
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- Nationale Ausstellungen